Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Lollapalooza 2008

Here’s my official recap of Lollapalooza 2008:

We get there and Chicago-friend tells Jen and I “here’s your key, come and go as you please”. Immediately he knew he would live to regret that, but I digress.
First stop at Lolla: beer tent. Beer dude tells me beers are only $5 so I order 6 of them. don’t judge me, it was for 3 people.
Go to raconteurs concert.
Grab 6 more beers.
Go to radiohead concert.
Radiohead blows, head back to beer tent.
4 more beers (we lost Chicago somewhere. Oh well, I have his key. Sucker)
Please keep in mind that there has been no eating thus far. And it's still oppressively hot outside, even at 10:00 pm.
Head back to condo. Chicago makes blackout drink. Jen and I do interpretive dance. I obtain some sort of floor burn.

I Feel like death. Make breakfast. Go to concerts. Discover some awesome new bands during the day, including InnerPartySystem. Look them up. Back to condo for power nap. Back to Lollapalooza.
Drinking begins.
Lupe fiasco was awesome.
I leave Jen to use bathroom/get beers. I wait on line for bathroom for what seems like eternity. I make friends with cute boys on line for the bathroom.
I make bathroom line into a competition. (For those of you who don't know already, I like to win every competition, no matter how stupid). You have 12 seconds or less to get out of the bathroom. New friends ask if I’m drunk. I was only on my first drink. Idiots. Bathroom relay begins.
No time to get to beer tent because Rage against the Machine is about to go on. Holy sh*t! I can’t find Jen.
Spend next 2 hours singing/dancing my butt off without Jen.
Concert ends, find Jen in one piece. Back to apartment to change into going-out clothes and grab a roadie.
Go to alleged “nice club” in Chicago. Walk in to “VIP” room. Um, it was a kitchen. Tell the entire staff that Chicago is a sub-par city and in NY the VIP areas are not relegated to the slop kitchen. Promptly leave club.
Walk up to bar where they’re “not letting people in because there is an MTV camera crew (lies)”. Tell bouncers in no uncertain terms that I would like to go inside and get my drink on. They let me in. Big mistake.
The rest of the night is a blur, but ended with me dancing like a mad-woman and getting locked out of friend’s apartment. Sleep in hallway until jen wakes up from her coma to let me in. probably slept a total of 2-3 hours.

Since jen slept in a bed, rather than a hallway, she’s all ready to go to Lolla. Want to kill myself.
Go to concert. Have fantasies about lead singer of Nine Inch Nails fathering my children. Seriously, that guy is hot AND a musical genius.

Become very sad that my trip is over.

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