Friday, December 28, 2007

My First Blog

So what does one write for their first blog? I have no idea how to go about this... I have a serious headache from being in the holiday spirit for the past week, so I don't know if I can think clearly. What I do know is that the world is in need of my opinion on EVERYTHING, and I had an obligation to American society to start this blog. I'm also pretty sure I shouldn't be doing this at work. Maybe I should list all of the things you can expect from my blog? That's probably not necessary since the only people who will read this are my friends who already receive daily ranting from me via email, but here goes!

1. You can expect sarcasm in mass quantities.

2. You can expect an important and uplifting life lesson at least once a week.

3. You can expect me to think that I'm HILARIOUS.

4. You can expect that once in a while I will say something completely inappropriate for the sake of a quick laugh.

5. Once in a while I will write about Baby Guiness shots, hot foreigners with accents, and playing air guitar in public just to appease my 2 person fan base.

I think that about covers it....

So now for your first hilarious, but maybe not-so-uplifting, life lesson.

DO NOT start a blog one Friday just because your boss is not in the office. You will inevitably become addicted to blogging, and probably get fired. If you don't get fired, you will certainly offend some innocent bystander that you wrote about just to be funny.


Peggy said...

To making it count, HERE HERE

Unknown said...

Ok gorgeous...very interesting

Licensed to Hamill said...

Writing a good blog is like pleasing a fine lady. You gotta caress it and be oh so gentle, telling it "You know what? It's better if everyone sees this cause your ass is sooooo fine..."

Ok. Apparently I'm only decent at blogging, not leaving comments. Sue me.

AllyKat said...

I found your first blog to be wildly entertaining! Can't wait to see what comes next!

coco said...

HA! I expect many hysterical stories....mostly reminding me of what happened the night before.

Unknown said...

Interesting read, I will check back as long as your blogs don't become tiresome. ;)