Sunday, March 16, 2008

Is Romance Really Dead?

Romantics are a dying breed. I, being the hopeless romantic that I am, would like to think that people growing up in the 21st century have a shot in hell of finding true love. But for obvious reasons, I’m growing doubtful. I mean, how’s a girl my age supposed to find someone without calling up VH1 and asking for my own reality show? Last night I was sitting on a bar stool minding my own business (I'm still on crutches, if I wasn't I would have been in a dance-off obviously) when a guy said something to me that really got under my skin. He was actually complaining that women aren't into romance anymore! He told me his woeful tale of trying to win a girl's heart not by trying to get her drunk and hook up, but by being sweet and sincere. Naturally I thought the story would have a happy ending, but this unfortunate gentlemen was promptly dumped. VIA TEXT MESSAGE. My first thought? To tackle him to the ground and kiss him. But I'm a lady after all, so I kept my composure. My second thought was that maybe technology is affecting the way men and women court each other these days. I can't remember the last time I gave a guy my number and he actually called. Everybody texts or emails first. Don't get me wrong, I love texting. But I think the texting should supplement the calling, not replace it. But you're not even allowed to call people anymore unless you follow the 2 day rule. And then when you call you have to act aloof. ALOOF? Come on! You're obviously calling the person because you want to go on a date with them (or at least get a drink and french in a dark corner somewhere).
Anyways, the moral of the story is that if you're having delusions of meeting a guy/girl who will call you the next day and actually tell you they like you: DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH. More than likely you will get an email 2 weeks after you meet them letting you know that they'd like to see you again, but could care less if they don't. If you're really lucky, you'll get a mass text with their location on Friday night. If you're given this little glimmer of hope, take it and run with it. Don't hold out for your fantasy lover who is going to woo you. Go meet this person out on Friday, french the hell out of them, and live happily ever after. Just don't forget to act aloof.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

The bright side of disaster

THE BRIGHT SIDE OF DISASTER, by Katherine Center was anything but disastrous. This book was fun, but not in a corny "chick lit" sort of way. The author's sense of humor keeps the story from getting too mushy, while still managing to make it a feel-good book.

The book's central character, Jenny, is so busy being 9 months pregnant that she doesn't realize her fiance is getting distant. Her fiance runs out on her, leaving her with a baby on the way, a mortgage, and her insecurity to worry about. Fortunately, the day after he leaves she gives birth and she no longer has the time to worry about why he left or where he ran off to.

Instead of becoming the sullen ex-girlfriend, Jenny tackles motherhood head on... after all, what choice does she have? Her newborn girl can't take care of herself! Jenny is drowning in a sea of diapers, breast pumps, and car seats when her idiot ex comes crawling back. In a very non-cliched way, our heroine comes out on top, while the author keeps us laughing the entire time.