Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner- another Twilight book

Millions of angst-ridden teens, rejoice! Stephenie Meyer's new Twilight book, The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner, is in bookstores now. Don't get too excited though, this is not of the Bella/Edward/Jacob type. Stephenie's book that was written in Edward's point-of-view, Midnight Sun, was leaked early and now she refuses to finish the book. Rather than making a boat-load of money and satisfying the needs of a bunch of melancholy young girls (and a few adults. Don't judge.) Stephenie decided to come out with this book from the point-of-view of a character that was BARELY in her Eclipse novel. Eclipse was about a gang of newborn vampires that were trying to kill Bella, but they were off'ed instead. So why would I take the time out of my busy schedule to read about one of these newborns, Bree Tanner, if I know that she dies in the end? Cause I'm a sucker, that's why. Yeah, I bought it. And yeah, I read it in about 30 seconds since the font is so damn big and it's only 178 pages. I'm angry at myself for getting sucked in to this twisted vampire world where I would spend money on a book like that just so I could have a little taste of Twilight again. I couldn't just wait for Kristen Stewart's extremely poor acting when Eclipse comes out in theaters in a few days? These books are like crack, and Meyer is like an evil crack dealer that must be shut down. I was actually really into the book until the end when the kid dies. I mean, I knew it was going to happen and I was still disappointed. I'm seriously angry at myself for letting my Twilight addiction get to this point. You've won this round, Stephenie Meyer, but maybe you should consider your dorky fans' feelings and frigging finish Midnight Sun.
Now I'm going to go read some Sookie Stackhouse novels out of spite.


laurap said...

Still no clue who Bree is - and yes read SOOKiE!!!! They are porn!

Lisa said...

When you read it, you'll figure out who Bree is at the very end of the book. I mean, it's worth reading since it's like 3 pages long

sim only deals said...

hey..When you read it, you'll figure out who Bree is at the very end of the book.